French & Spanish Sunday School Songs (Digital Download)



This particular CD is only intended as a tool to teach the rythm and melody.
There is only voice, no music.  Each song is sung first slowly and then with more speed to help the student learn the songs.
Most songs can be learned in both French and Spanish which would be an impressive repertoire for an awards night!

Songs included:

1. Jesus m’aime                            13. Cristo me ama
2. Mon Dieu est si grand            14. Tan grande es mi dios
3. Le sage et le fou                       15. El hombre savio y el insensato
4. Roi des rois                               16. Rey de reyes
5. Lis ta Bible                                17. La B-I-B-L-I-A
6. Pere, je t’adore                         18. Padre, te adoro
7. Il tient le monde                       19. Maravillose es el amorde dios
8. Merci                                          20. Gracias Senior
9. Une flamme en moi                 21. He decidido sequir a cristo
10. Gloire au Seigneur                 22. Solamente en cristo
11. Frere Jacques                          23. Gloria a dios
12. Tete, epaules, genoux et pieds  24. Cabeza, hombros, rodillas y pies

Download the lyrics